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Project Management Systems, RedmineComparison

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Category statistics
Project PlanningXexclude from selection  Issue Management (2)  Project Collaboration (2) 
Operating systems statistics
Windows (2) 
Mobile apps statistics
Android (1)  iOS (1) 
Authentication mechanism statistics
Password (1)  LDAPXexclude from selection  SAMLXexclude from selection  WS-Federation (1)  Shibboleth (1)  Active Directory (2)  Okta (1)  OneLogin (1) 
Notifications statistics
Email (2)  Mobile push (1) 
Web-based architecture (1)  API (2)  Multi-userXexclude from selection  Hierarchical tasks (2)  Milestone tracking (2)  Task dependencies (2)  Critical path management (1)  Gantt charts (1)  Baselines (1)  Resource management (1)  Time tracking (2)  Cost tracking (1)  Earned value management (1)  Risk management (1)  Scrum support (1)  Kanban support (2)  Project portfolio management (1)  Hierarchical issuesXexclude from selection  Custom fields (2)  Custom workflows (2)  Project wiki (1)  Discussion forumXexclude from selection  Online chat (1)  Audio conferencing (1)  Video conferencing (1)  Screen sharing (1)  Calendar sharing (1)  Document sharing (1)  File versioning (1) 

Please select a system for comparison with Redmine or include all 2 systems in the comparison.

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