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Project Management Systems, GlipComparison

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Category statistics
License statistics
CommercialXexclude from selection  Web-based service (SaaS) (1) 
Programming language statistics
JavaXexclude from selection 
Operating systems statistics
Linux (1)  OS X (1)  Solaris (1)  Windows (1) 
Mobile apps statistics
Android (1)  iOS (1) 
Authentication mechanism statistics
LDAP (1)  Google sign-on (1)  Yahoo sign-onXexclude from selection 
Notifications statistics
Email (1) 
Web-based architecture (1)  API (1)  Multi-user (1)  Hierarchical tasks (1)  Time trackingXexclude from selection  Scrum supportXexclude from selection  Kanban support (1)  Hierarchical issuesXexclude from selection  Custom fields (1)  Custom workflows (1) 

Please select a system for comparison with Glip.

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