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Centroy System Properties

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Editorial information provided by Project Management Zone
Centroy has been discontinued.
DescriptionCentroy was a web-based team collaboration and task management tool.
CategoryProject Planning
Project Collaboration
Websitecentroy.com (offline)
Social network pages
Initial release2011
Web-based service (SaaS)infoSoftware-as-a-Service model
Web-based architectureyes
Mobile appsiOS
APIinfoApplication Programming Interfaceno
Authentication mechanismPassword
Project Planning Properties
Hierarchical tasksinfoSupport for parent-child relationships of tasksno
Recurring tasksinfoSupport for definition of tasks that occur repeatedlyno
Milestone trackinginfoMilestones indicate the completion of major deliverables, normally by completing a set of tasksyes
Task dependenciesinfoDependencies between tasks are logical relationships that restrict the sequence of task executions, e.g. one task must be completed before another task can startyes
Critical path managementinfoThe critical path method calculates the set of tasks that cannot be delayed without increasing the project's duration, taking into account task dependenciesno
Critical chain managementinfoThe critical chain method expands the critical path method by additionally taking resource constraints into accountno
Gantt chartsinfoBar chart to visualize a project's tasks and milestones scheduleyes
PERT chartsinfoNetwork diagrams according to Program Evaluation Review Techniqueno
BaselinesinfoSupport for creating and using snapshots of a project's plan in terms of cost, scope and schedule no
Resource managementinfoSupport for managing a project's human and/or non-human resourcesno
Resource levelinginfoSupport for optimizing the allocation of a project's resourcesno
Time trackinginfoSupport for estimating and monitoring the time spent on a project's tasksno
Cost trackinginfoSupport for monitoring a project's expensesno
Earned value managementinfoSupport for tracking a project's performance and progress via earned value measurementsno
Risk managementinfoSupport for identifying and keeping track of project risks and risk-related activitiesno
Scrum supportinfoSupport for typical Scrum techniques such as sprints, backlogs and burn-down chartsno
Kanban supportinfoSupport for typical Kanban techniques such as visualization of tasks on boards using cardsno
Project portfolio management infoSupport for collectively managing a set of current or proposed projects, e.g. by evaluation and prioritization of projectsno
Project Collaboration Properties
Project wikiyes
Discussion forumyes
Online chatyes
Audio conferencingno
Video conferencingno
Screen sharingno
Calendar sharingyes
Contact sharingyes
Document sharingyes
File versioningyes

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